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Lowongan Kerja Supported By IKA TPK - PPNS

About Us :
PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry is one of the proposed company for National Strategic Project (PSN) which is located at Bunta, Bungintimbe, and Tanauge Village, Petasia and East Petasia District, North Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. Total investment value are approximately 27.8 Trillion Rupiah, with an area more or less than 600 Ha of 1,912 Ha of Industrial Park PT Stardust Estate Investment. Construction phase was already started in 1st quarter of 2020 and production phase is estimated to be commisioned in 2nd quarter of 2021. Being considered as one of the leading nickel ore based mineral processing in Indonesia, PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry will be developing three different industrial areas; Nickel smelter with 24 line production capacity of 1.8 million ton per year Nickel Pig Iron (NPI), power plant with capacity of 1,100 MW, integrated port & stockpile with capacity up to 9 x 5,000 DWT Barge and 2 x 50,000 DWT Vessel.
In order to develop the company's business, we need a professional workforce who is talented, has initiative and wants to make a difference in a dynamic work environment, has high work motivation, likes challenges, and is committed to a career with us to fill the following positions:
1.  HSE Site Services (Superintendent)
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree;
  • 35 – 48 years old;
  • Have a K3U Expert certification from the Ministry of Manpower, Certification for controlling water, air and B3 waste pollution, K3 Chemical Expert;
  • Has experience as an Environment in a Factory;
  • Able to lead a team to work together and also be active in working in the field;
  • Willing to be placed in North Morowali Site with Roster 8 weeks (working) : 2 weeks (off).
Job Description:
  • Involved in the preparation and processing of permits related to X-Ray, Certificate of Appropriateness for boiler operation, Image Approval Deed, Technical Approval for Waste Water and Emissions, Technical details of B3 and Non-B3 Waste;
  • Ensure that obligations in fulfilling permits owned by the company are fulfilled;
  • Plan and carry out environmental monitoring for water, air, B3 and non-B3 waste;
  • Responsible for inspection plan for potential environmental pollution in the company area;
  • Ensure that the work environment program can run well according to plan;
  • Active in socializing environmental management performance to related departments;
  • Prepare and provide reports for environmental processing.
2. HSE Engineer (Superintendent)
  • D3/S1 Engineering/Occupational Safety;
  • Experience in a similar field for more than 5 years;
  • 35-28 years old;
  • Have (optional) Ministry of Manpower certification, K3U Expert, Construction K3 Expert, Electrical K3 Expert, SMK3 Auditor, Fire K3 Expert;
  • Able to lead a team to work together and also be active in working in the field;
  • Have safety experience in Construction/Industry/Power Plant;
  • Willing to be placed in North Morowali Site with Roster 8 weeks (working) : 2 weeks (off).
Job Description:
  • Plan the Company's work safety program to run well and monitor the implementation of the program continuously;
  • Ensure that all construction work before starting must have an HSE Plan and that the workers involved in the construction have experience and expertise in the work;
  • Routinely monitor the company's K3 implementation in accordance with SMK3, ensuring that the SMK3 program gets maximum results during external audits;
  • Involved and active in controlling and reducing the Company's work accident rate every month;
  • Active in socializing findings of unsafe actions or conditions to workers and department heads in the area, as well as providing solutions for improvements made;
  • Compile and provide monthly work accident statistics reports to Company management.
3. Safety Coordinator Supervisor
  • Have a certificate Ahli K3 Umum from Kemenaker RI;
  • Have a certificate Internal Auditor SMK3/Implementasi SMK3 from Kemenaker RI;
  • Have Certificate Ahli K3 Kontruksi dari Kemenaker/BNSP from Kemanker RI;
  • Have a Certificate Ahli K3 Listrik dari Kemenaker/BNSP;
  • Have a certificate Ahli K3 kebakaran from Kemenaker/BNSP;
  • Willing to be placed in North Morowali Site with Roster 8 weeks (working) : 2 weeks (off).
Job Description:
  • Make a Objective Target Health and Safety Program Departemen yearly, monthly, weekly and daily;
  • Make a HSE Budget Plan and control yearly and monthly;
  • Monitoring and review compliance Health and Safety Personnel and department weekly and monthly;
  • Make a monthly Roster Health and Safety Department personnel;
  • Do coordination to Supervisor from other Departemen about Health and Safety implementation program at department;
  • Make a report Health and Safety Performance monthly to Head Of Department.
  1. Safety Expert Pesawat Uap dan Bejana Tekan
  • Have a Certificate (Ahli K3 Pesawat Uap dan Bejana Tekan from Kemenakertrans RI)
  • Have a Certificate (Ahli K3 Umum from Kemenakertrans RI)
  • Have a Certificate (Implementasi SMK3 from Kemenakertrans RI)
  • Have a Certificate Trainer of Trainer (TOT)
  • Willing to be placed in Jakarta (Head Office) and North Morowali Site with Roster 8 weeks (working) : 2 weeks (off).
Job Description:
  • Preparing Hazard Identification, Risk Control of operating Steam Aircraft and Pressure Vessels in the workplace
  • Develop plans and implement K3 Inspection program for Steam Aircraft and Pressure Vessels periodically as an effort to fulfil K3 regulations and standards
  • Provide training, coaching and advice to workers regarding Steam Aircraft and Pressure Vessel Safety in the workplace
  • Make report on the results of Steam Aircraft and Pressure Vessel safety inspections and present it to management
  1. Safety Expert Pesawat Tenaga Produksi
  • Have a Certificate (Ahli K3 Pesawat Pesawat Tenaga Produksi from Kemenakertrans RI)
  • Have a Certificate (Ahli K3 Umum from Kemenakertrans RI)
  • Have a Certificate (Implementasi SMK3 from Kemenakertrans RI)
  • Have a Certificate Trainer of Trainer (TOT)
  • Willing to be placed in Jakarta (Head Office) and North Morowali Site with Roster 8 weeks (working) : 2 weeks (off).
Job Description:
  • Preparing Hazard Identification, Assessment and Risk Control of operating Production Power Aircraft in the workplace
  • Develop plans and implement the K3 Inspection program for Production Power Aircraft periodically as an effort to fulfil K3 regulations and standards
  • Provide training, coaching and advice to workers regarding Production Power Aircraft SFORMULIR LAMARAN PEKERJAANafety in the workplace
  • Make report on the results of Production Aircraft safety inspections and present them to management
  1. Safety Expert Electrical
  • Have a Certificate (Ahli K3 Listrik from Kemenakertrans RI)
  • Have a Certificate (Ahli K3 Umum from Kemenakertrans RI)
  • Have a Certificate (Implementasi SMK3 from Kemenakertrans RI)
  • Have a Certificate Trainer of Trainer (TOT)
  • Willing to be placed in Jakarta (Head Office) and North Morowali Site with Roster 8 weeks (working) : 2 weeks (off).
Job Description:
  • Preparing Hazard Identification, Assessment and Risk Control of Electrical Work
  • Develop plans and implement periodic Electrical Installation Inspection programs as an effort to fulfil K3 regulations and standards
  • Provide training, coaching and advice to workers regarding the implementation of Electrical K3 in the workplace
  • Make report on the results of inspections of electrical and installations and present them to management
Should you be interested in these opportunities before 30th April 2024

Please be aware of certain frauds or misinformation regarding recruitment advertising on behalf of PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry. We never ask for any payments whatsoever from applicants or candidates during the recruitment process. We never ask applicants or candidates to use specific travel agent services to make arrangements for transportation and accommodation during the process.

JOB APPLICATION FORM - PT Gunbuster Nickel Industry

About Us :
Sumber Adi Swarna is an iron sand mining company located in Momujiu Village, Loloda district of North Maluku Province based on Production Operation Mining Business Permit (IUP OP) no 540/186//HU/2011 With an area of 1.544 Hectare. Our company was founded on Desember 23th 2019 And continues to grow until today. We are focusing in iron sand mining which is well known that North Maluku has a very abundant source of iron sand.
Sumber Adi Swarna’s Reserves and Resources has been independently verified and cerified to international 2012 JORC standards as of 20 may 2020, our resource stand at 115,893,513 Ton of which 72,931,788 Ton are classified as reserves. Henceforth, we have a target of producing 4.000.000 – 6.325.000 Ton per year of high quality iron sand. We will also have our own lab in order to maintain the quality of production for our customers.
In order to develop the company's business, we need a professional workforce who is talented, has initiative and wants to make a difference in a dynamic work environment, has high work motivation, likes challenges, and is committed to a career with us to fill the following positions:
  1. Staff Welder
  • Min Vocational School/ Diploma in Engineering
  • Fresh graduate or experience in the field of electrical installation for at least 3 years is preferred
  • Able to use mig/stick welding machine
  • Have knowledge and understanding of welding techniques
  • Proficient in other fabrication such as using drills, grinders, etc.
  • Have knowledge in the types of materials and equipment and their uses and can use measuring instruments meter, vernier caliper
  • Have an active welder certification
  • Able to read technical drawings
  • Willing to be place in North Maluku with 10:2 roster system
Job Description:
  • Perform the welding process according to K3 procedures
  • Perform fabrication as needed
  1. Staff Electrician
  • Min Vocational School/ Diploma in Engineering
  • Fresh graduate or experience in the field of electrical installation for at least 3 years is preferred
  • Understand and able to fix electrical installation problems;
  • Understand strong and weak currents and basic electrical engineering;
  • Able to use tools, equipment, and electrical systems;
  • Able to read electrical wiring diagram;
  • Preferably have a Electrical K3 Certificate;
  • Willing to be place in North Halmahera - Loloda with a 10:2 roster system.
Job Description:
  • Check and maintain electric installation periodically;
  • Perform repairs on damage to electrical installations;
  • Install electrical installations as needed;
  • Analyze any electrical damage and actively make improvements.

Should you be interested in these opportunities, 30th March 2024

Please be aware of certain frauds or misinformation regarding recruitment advertising on behalf of Sumber Ardi Swarna. We never ask for any payments whatsoever from applicants or candidates during the recruitment process. We never ask applicants or candidates to use specific travel agent services to make arrangements for transportation and accommodation during the process.


1. Untuk pelamar mengisi G-form yg ada di link Web
2. Batas Pengisian
- GNI : 15 April 2024
- SAS : 20 Maret 2024
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